Thursday, June 12, 2008

illustrations for Brown's article

I thought it might be helpful to see some of the images of the work Glen Brown writes about in his article on installation


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

trying again

Hi all - I sent a post yesterday but do not see it on the blog so trying again.
Thanks Kristin and Patrick for some interesting additions - would like to see some discussion on the articles you mentioned.
We are all set for Monday at 7 pm - art office conference room.
Be sure to bring articles for consideration for our next meeting.  If you have not given me your critique - bring that along.
Some of you owe me an abstract. 
I will plan to meet with each of you individually after this meeting.
Is everyone out there? Anna

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Del Vecchio on Postmodern Clay

What Postmodernism is not

This is a good article about what Del Vecchio determines to be Postmodern. He has interesting things to say about the use of history and appropriation, the figure and multimedia in relation to ceramics.